Short Variables

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Following variables can be used in a command line for an external archiver:

%%packer – Archive main file (string is taken from settings). If file name contains spaces the name will be enclosed into quotes (if in the command line the name isn't already enclosed into quotes).

%%A – Archive name.

%%a – Short archive name.

%%D – Unpacking path (without trailing “\”).

%%W – Folder for temporary files, including trailing back slash.

%%P - Password.

%%p – Password (the same password, presence of the variable confirms support of file encryption).

%%R – Current folder in archive.

%%L – File list name. File list – a file, containing file names, to be processed by an external archiver.

%%l – Name of list of short file names.

%%F – Names of one or more files for processing. If all names don't fit into the string, archiver will be started multiple times. By default the maximum length is equal to 127, but you can specify it immediately after %%F, e.g. %%F512. Variable %%F must be used only when archiver doesn't support file lists.

%%f – Name of a single file for processing. Archiver will be executed unless all files are processed. This variable must be used only in the case, when archiver doesn't support file lists or multiple files in the command line.

%%E<completion code> - maximum allowed completion code. E.g. %%E2 means, that allowed codes are 0, 1 and 2. This variable may be specified in any command place. If missing, success code is 0 only.


If a part of the command line of the external archiver enclosed into curly braces {...}, it will be added to the final command line only if it contains at least one nonempty short variable as described above.