
Move to a file.



Freshest – to the latest file by the modification date.

Oldest – to the oldest file by the modification date.

Fresher – to the next later file.

Older – to the next older file.

Next – to the next file.

Prev – to the previous file.

NextPage – to the next page.

PrevPage – to the previous page.

UpFolder – go the folder up (in the active panel).

RootFolder – go to the root folder (in the active panel).

StartFolders – return to the initial folders (when the application started).

PrevHist – return to the previous historical folder.

NextHist – move to the next historical folder.

Left – action in the file list, like pressing Left.

Right – action in the file list, like pressing Right.

Enter – enter the current folder / file.

CurrentInTree – open the current folder in the file tree.



List of commands